About Me

31 August 2007

Highlight of the Night: Awkward the Boy

My friend had a birthday and her roommate invited a boy over. He was okay until he started talking about how hardcore he is and saying that a bunch of stuff was gay. He named off a bunch of hardcore bands he liked so I started a discussion with him that went like this.
"Do you like Atreyu?" I asked.
He replied, "Yeah, they're way good."
"What about Falkor??"
"Yeah they're pretty good."
"Oh. Do you like Bastian then?"
"I haven't really listened to them but I've heard some of their stuff."
Then I said, "What about the snail guy?"
He never caught on.
Highlight of the night: Awkward the Boy
Second: Dancing


Jeremy Warner said...

gonna gonna gonna get you pregnant!

now those are some hardcore lyrics! atreyu ain't got nothing on that yoooooo.

oh wait, i mean that really rad band...falkore.

heathen said...

I like the accompanying pictures.

marisa said...

"one time i went to a fall out boy concert just to see the academy is"

austinmcraig said...

You don't know me, but that is hysterical. WOW. very funny.