About Me

07 May 2007

The Spokane Word

I've been in Spokane for a week. The night I got here I went into the bathroom and turned on the light to find that someone had put red beans and rice in the bathtub and toilet. Then it turned out that wasn't the case at all. Turns out the sewer was backing up into my bathtub. That's right, it wasn't red beans and rice all along. It was fecal matter. So, we had to move apartments and the plumbing here is pretty good.
In other news, I got electrocuted at some immigrants' house. I was a bit shocked but regained composure and had a wonderful time trying to explain. It basically came down to saying "I grab ladder..." then I would shake a lot. Good ole Toiyvo Vakonpaa. You would think that being in America for over fifty years and having cable since the Calgary Winter Olympics someone would understand English, but no. But it's all good now.
I'll tell you what's not so good. I got a C- in Geology 100. I was sad. I looked a bit like this. Notice the emotion and the wreckless unkempt look. It really threw me for a loop. But, there's worse things that could happen. Like this.
Now she looks sad.


marisa said...

i didn't know you were capable of getting a c-, or growing that much facial hair

Chopstick Mano. said...


Chopstick Mano. said...

i didn't mean to post that last thing. and that accidental post made me lost my desire to say what i was originally going to say.

:::chadhokama::: said...

hi buddy, I miss you.

ap said...

she shouldnt be so sad if she got an A+ in chlamydia